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KB Article: 61288
KB Category: [Technical Support]
KB Sub-category: [Connectivity / Network]

I am encountering connection issues while playing

As the cause of disconnections or any other connection issue can be various, we encourage you to try the range of solutions below prior to calling our Support Centre, should you encounter any connection issues:

• Please check your internet connection and that you can browse the internet without trouble.

• Try to power cycle the modem and/or router.

This means switching off and unplugging your modem/router for at least 1 minute and then power it back up. Wait a couple of minutes after switching on your modem/router again and see if this solved the issue.

• Did you contact your internet service provider (ISP)? Please consider doing it, to see if there is any particular problem going on their side.

• Check that your connection type and speed meets the minimum requirements for our game.

• Check your IP address (If you do not know it, you can find out here, otherwise go to start\run and type in cmd and then ipconfig).

• Most routers nowadays use UPnP (universal plug and play) protocol.
However, some older routers might block the ports used by the game. If this is the case you will need to do “port forwarding” (i.e. - configure your router to open these ports for a particular program).
A simple procedure can be found here (just pick your router model and follow the instructions). Please also note that a static IP address is required to enable port forwarding (you will find all the relevant information in the above-quoted website).

• We can also give you the port range to use. Please see below:

- Port numbers that may be used by the PlayOnline server group.
- TCP 25, 80, 110, 443 and from 50000 to 65535
- UDP from 50000 to 65535

- Ports (55296-55551)
- UPnP Port Mapping - Automatically employ UPnP to open the appropriate port and allow for the transmission of files during version updates.

• If the previous steps did not work and you’re using an independent router in your network, try to bypass it and connect your computer directly to the modem. (Usually, most internet service providers ISPs use hybrid devices which cover both functions.)  

• In addition to your router’s firewall (hardware), do you use any software-based solution (antivirus/firewall) on your computer?
If yes, make sure that FINAL FANTASY XI/FINAL FANTASY XIV is part of the exception list.

For example, to add an exception if you’re using the Windows firewall:
XP users go to Control Panel\Security Center\Windows Firewall\Exceptions\Add Program…

Vista/7 users go to Control Panel\System and Security\Allow a program through Windows Firewall\Change settings…
Otherwise, please refer to your software manual.

• Check that the firewall has been properly configured to play the game (you can verify how to use your firewall with the manufacturer).

• Check if the problem still occurs when the firewall is off.

• Try to uninstall/reinstall the firewall and leave its settings on default.

• Try to update your router/modem firmware (new firmware can be found on the manufacturer’s website, if existing).

Please find below a few other things worth checking:

• If your cable is long (15 meters) try a shorter cable.

• Check if there is any kind of splitter or in-line connector in your cabling.

• Check if there is any heavy machinery near the gaming unit that may cause interference.

 • If you’re using a wireless connection, some other nearby devices may cause interferences therefore you might want to switch these off and try again.
Otherwise you can still switch to a wired connection (plug you Ethernet cable directly into the modem).

• Make sure you are not trying to use a line type we do not support (Satellite, ATM, ISDN will not work correctly).

• If it’s a dial-up connection, do you have any special access numbers that you need to dial to obtain an outside line?

• For dial-up check for any devices connected to the same phone line as in splitters, another phone, or fax machine, and try bypassing them.

• For DSL you must install filters on the phone jack if another phone or fax machine will by using the same phone line to eliminate static activity.

Other solutions:

• Try to perform a clean boot in order to minimise potential conflicts with other software at start-up.

Manual steps to perform a clean boot in Windows XP, Vista, 7:

: You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to follow these steps. If your computer is connected to a network, network policy settings may also prevent you from following these steps.

1. Click Start, and click Run. The Run window appears.
2. In the Open box, type msconfig and then click OK. The System Configuration Utility appears.
3. Click the General tab.
4. Click Selective Startup.
5. Uncheck* the processing options that are listed below Selective Startup except "Load System Services"**.

* You may not be able to uncheck "Use Original BOOTINL"
** Unchecking all the boxes (except Load System Services) provides for a complete clean boot. The more options you uncheck, the more likely you are to solve the problem. Note that unchecking all boxes prevents you from installing Symantec products.

Your situation may require that you load specific processes from the Startup group. If this is the case, use the following procedure:

a. Check "Load startup group items" and uncheck all other boxes that are below Selective Startup except "Load System Services."
b. Click the Startup tab.
c. Check the processes that you want to run when you next start the computer, and uncheck all other processes.

6. Click Apply, and then click Close.
7. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.

Windows restarts in a state that is similar to when Windows was first installed (that is, before any other software was installed to Windows).

To restore your computer back to its original settings (after above-quoted procedure)

1. Click Start, and then click Run. The Run window appears.
2. In the Open box, type msconfig and then click OK. The System Configuration Utility appears.
3. Click Normal Startup.
4. Click OK.
5. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.

Windows restarts normally with all drivers, programs, and your regular video settings.

NOTE: Microsoft strongly recommends that you do not use System Configuration Utility to modify the Boot.ini file on your computer without the direction of a Microsoft support engineer. Doing so may make your computer unusable.

If you still encounter connection issues, please contact us back with:
• the error code and message that you encounter

• the steps to reproduce the error and its location