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KB Article: 80946
KB Category: [Account]
KB Sub-category: [Login Issues]

I registered my platform account to the wrong Square Enix ID.

When playing BABYLON'S FALL, your Square Enix account (SQEX account) will be linked one-to-one with the account of the platform you are playing on. The platform account refers to your PlayStation™Network account (PSN account) if you are playing the PlayStation®5 or PlayStation®4 version, or your STEAM account if you are playing the Steam version.

If you made a mistake when linking your platform account to your SQEX account, please contact us from one of the following forms.

Use this form if you wish to continue using your current platform account. This applies to users who accidentally linked the incorrect SQEX account to their platform account.

Example 1)
When I try to start the game, another Square Enix ID is already selected and I cannot change it.

Example 2)
I accidentally created a new Square Enix account instead of linking it to my existing SQEX account when starting the PlayStation®5 or PlayStation®4 version

Use this form if you with to continue using your current SQEX account. This applies to users who accidentally linked the incorrect platform account to their SQEX account.

Example 1)
I intended to link my own platform account but accidentally linked to another person’s platform account.

Example 2)
I accidentally purchased the game using a separate platform account to the one that’s already linked to my SQEX account.