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Number of Hits 223cases (Display cases between 1 - 20)   Next Page

How do I register for a new Square Enix account?

How to Activate a Software Authenticator

One Time Passwords

How does the login restriction work?

I accidentally deleted the Software Token app. What should I do?

What is a One-Time Password/Square Enix security token?

I am unable to download the Software Token.

How do I use the Software Token?

I'm unable to log into my Square Enix account because I lost my phone. What should I do?

I cannot log in to my account.

One-Time Passwords: Software Authenticators, Security Tokens and Software Tokens

How do I switch from a Security Token to a Software Authenticator?

What is Square Enix Crysta?

Questions about optional items bought on the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store

I would like to remove the Security Token from my account.

How do I take measures to prevent my account from being compromised?

My FINAL FANTASY XI account has been compromised.

How do I re-install my Software Authenticator?

Is it possible for me to have a Security Token and a Software Authenticator linked to my Square Enix account?

Do I need to register a Software Authenticator for every game that I play?

Number of Hits 223 cases (Display cases between 1 - 20)   Next Page