Square Enix Account
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Security Token Removal Form

Enter details

This form can only be used for Square Enix Accounts of the EU region. If you have a US account, please visit this page for more information.

For more information about tokens, please visit this page.

Please complete the form below and click "Next".

* Required field
Terms and Conditions - Removing the Software Token will lower the security of your account temporarily. Square Enix is not responsible for any damage caused by unauthorised access during that time.
- The process might take up to a week to complete.
- If you would like to use the Software Token again, please re-install the app and link it to your account again afterwards.
To the above terms*  
Square Enix ID*
E-mail Address*
* Please enter your SQUARE ENIX Account Email Address.
Confirm E-mail Address*
Date of Birth* / /
Security Question*
* If you do not remember your Secret Question and Answer, please select any and put N/A in the next field.
* If you do not remember your Secret Question Answer, please put N/A.
Which type of Token do you want to remove?*
Do you want to suspend or remove the token?

* If you selected “Hardware Token", please tell us whether you want to have the token removed or suspended.
* If we unlink the token, you will not be able to use it again. If you wish to use a Security Token in the future, you will need to purchase a new one or register a software token.
* If you selected “Hardware Token", please tell us whether you want to have the token removed or suspended.
* If we unlink the token, you will not be able to use it again. If you wish to use a Security Token in the future, you will need to purchase a new one or register a software token.
Additional Details*

Personal information entered on this contact form will be used to respond to your enquiry or question, in line with our Privacy Notice.