Please note that deletion of your Square Enix Account will permanently cause any copies of Final Fantasy XI or Final Fantasy XIV that are linked to the account to be unplayable and it will not be possible to re-register the keys for these games on a different Square Enix Account in future.
If you are concerned about unwanted subscription costs, it is possible to cancel the account so that it is completely inactive and cannot have any charges made to it. In this case the account would be recoverable by contacting the customer support team, should you wish to use the account again in the future.
If you wish to simply cancel your account without permanently deleting it, you can do so by following these instructions:
- Log in to Select “Account” in the top left corner
- Select “Account Information” from the drop-down menu
- Select “Update Account Information”
- Select “Cancel Square Enix Account” and then follow the on-screen instructions