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Contact Us

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Customer Service

For general inquiries, begin by selecting the contact category that best relates to your issue and provide a brief description of your issue

A list of relevant Knowledge Base articles that are related to your issue will be provided. Please review this list to find likely answers to your issue

If the supplied articles do not provide an answer to your inquiry, then you will have an option to seek further assistance


Please submit your feedback and suggestions for the closed β test from here.
Your feedback and suggestions will be considered as reference for the official service.

We will not be able to reply to your feedback and suggestions individually. We appreciate your understanding.

Report a bug

Please submit bug reports for the closed β test from here.
Your reports will be considered as reference for the official service.

Please read in-game notices, help text, and FAQs before making a report.
We will not be able to reply to your bug report individually. We appreciate your understanding.