Square Enix Members
SEM Account Merge Request Form

Enter details

Please use this form to request to have multiple SEM accounts merged into a single account. If you have made purchases on several separate accounts, you will only be able to keep the purchase history of one of these accounts after merging.

Please complete the form below and click "Next".

* Required field
Name* First:

Contact E-mail Address*
Confirm E-mail Address*
Date of Birth* / /
Please provide details of the Square Enix Members accounts you wish to merge.* Using the format below, please provide details on your Square Enix Members account you wish to merge into a single account.

Account 1 / E-mail Address A
Account 2 / E-mail Address B
Account 3 / E-mail Address C

Desired E-mail Address*
Please Confirm Your Desired E-mail Address*
Desired SEM Nickname*
Please enter which SEM nickname you wish to keep.