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KB Article: 59068
KB Category: [Technical Support]
KB Sub-category: [Known Issues]

The onscreen button press prompts keep reverting from the Xbox 360 controller buttons to Keyboard controls, what can I do?

The Pc version of Just Cause 2 is designed to switch between Keyboard/Mouse controls and the Xbox 360 controller seemlessly and instantly depending on
which you choose to use. Because of this, if any input is detected from either the keyboard or mouse, it will revert the control set used back to the
keyboard and mouse which also swaps the onscreen control prompts to match. If you encounter the controls switching back to keyboard of their own accord,
it is likely that some input is being detected, more often than not this would be from the mouse due to its sensitive nature. Turning the mouse over or unplugging it may stop this. This method can at least be employed to discover if it is mouse input which is causing the switch. If so, you may wish to check your mouse settings for enhancements such as \Enhanced Pointer Precision\" and turn it off as this has been reported as causing this issue already.

Thanks go to \"Deadman\" and \"RedFeather1975\" from the Eidos forums for discovering this issue and working toward a solution.

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