The Square Enix Support Center is a centralized support site that provides product information and solutions to the frequently asked questions and issues with our products and services.
Our Square Enix Support Center website features several helpful tools and sections, including:
The Square Enix account is a free service that allows you to access all of Square Enix's online services. With a Square Enix account, you can associate multiple IDs from current services to a single Square Enix account and enjoy features only available to Square Enix account holders. Additionally, the Square Enix account will be required to access all of our future online service To create your free Square Enix Account, click here.
The Square Enix Support Center also features product support pages that are specific to an individual title. These pages are available for all of our current shipping products, as well as some of our previous titles. Included in every support page are helpful resources for that title, including:
This section will list any news articles that have recently been uploaded.
Check here for any latest updates regarding our services.
We strive to constantly improve and update our technical and in game support articles that make up the Knowledge Base. You'll find numerous articles that address common issues and provide steps to resolve them, helpful tips, and general information for a majority of our products and services.
We invite you to share your feedback and offer suggestions on how we can improve the content of our articles, the user experience or any issues you encountered while using our service. Please note that this is for feedback submission only. For help with a specific technical issue while using the site, you will need to create a support contact for further assistance. We appreciate all feedback supplied to us as your views and opinions are important, but we do not respond to these submissions directly.
To submit feedback, use the menu on the left to search for the product by either game title/series or platform. Once you have selected the product, you will be taken to the support page for that product. Click on the "Contact" button and then click on the "Report" button and follow the instructions to submit your feedback.
You will find a helpful Search box located in the menu on the left of the support page.
You can also perform a search by entering a part of the title in the search box. You can search by game title which will then take you to the product's support page.
Once you are at the product support page, the frequently asked questions for the product will appear as well as a search function for further inquiries.
If the frequently asked questions do not offer a solution to your issue, you can enter your question into the Search.
You can search by specific keywords or phrases.
If the displayed frequently asked questions or Knowledge Base articles do not provide the solution to your questions then you may contact Square Enix for further assistance.
Please see the section on "How to Contact Support" for additional information.
Search Tips
Displays a list of recently or commonly used articles. For support issues, it is good to review this section to quickly find answers to our most common support issues.
If the Frequently Asked Questions or Knowledge Base articles are unable to offer you a solution to your issue, you can contact Square Enix for further assistance. Please follow the instructions below for contacting Square Enix.