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KB Article: 12559
KB Category: [In-Game/Game Contents]
KB Sub-category: [Game Master Interaction]

I reported a harassment case to a GM, and I was wondering how it would be handled?

Any actions reported (including verbal and other forms of communication) that fall into the harassment category will be cross referenced by investigating logs *1 which contain a record of both verbal and other actions. The material found within the logs in turn will be investigated according to our GM Policy

If the recorded actions are determined to be of a harassment nature, then appropriate measures will be taken as per Article 4.4 of the User Agreements and Policies:

Article 4.4 Revocations of User Rights.
(f) Harassing, tormenting, intimidating, pestering, obstructing, taking advantage of, or in any way hurting or damaging other Users or any third parties or their properties utilizing the PlayOnline Service

Harassment is not taken lightly under the User Agreements and Policies, and if confirmed, will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
Insuring the well being of those being harassed is just as, if not more important to us than punishing the offending party. If the offending party does not desist from harassing the victim, then further levels of punishment can be introduced to protect the victim from any more unpleasantries.
If you are harassed in any manner, we ask if possible, for you to register the offending players' name in the Black List. If this does not stop the harassment, please make a GM call as soon as possible.

Whether or not the offending party was determined to be guilty of harassment, the victim will not be informed of the results.
Since the punishment is conducted as per the Users Agreements and Policies we must protect the offenders' identity, as per the Privacy clause contained within the Policies. We appreciate your understanding of our stance in this matter.

Our current Policy makes no exceptions for differences in languages.
Inadvertently insulting someone using another language is still considered a violation of the User Agreements and Policies, which can be acted against. Please keep this in mind.

*1 Checking of the logs is conducted with the understanding that this information is of a personal nature, and thus is carefully guarded against misuse.

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