Frequently Asked Questions

Please tell me about what behaviour is prohibited in Final Fantasy XIV.

Prohibited Activities in Final Fantasy XIV

■Prohibited Behaviour in Final Fantasy XIV
In Final Fantasy XIV, obstructive behaviour that has an adverse impact on other users' gameplay, or operation of service, is prohibited. Such behaviour violates the Final Fantasy XIV User Agreement and Square Enix Account Terms of Use. If a violation is confirmed as a result of our investigations, Square Enix may, at its sole discretion, issue a penalty to the relevant Final Fantasy XIV service account. Please refer to "Account Penalty Policy" for details of the penalties.

The following list defines some of the activities that are prohibited in, or in connection with, Final Fantasy XIV. This list provides general guidelines and is not exhaustive. When in doubt, Square Enix urges its players to err on the side of caution and to treat other players with civility and respect. Square Enix reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to (i) determine which activities are prohibited or violate Square Enix’s policies or terms of use, (ii) enforce such policies and terms of use, and (iii) revise this list.

* Information related to investigations or disciplinary actions is considered private information and as such will not be disclosed to others.

■Communication based conflict
Final Fantasy XIV is an online game where players come together and interact with one another. Communication is vital in human-to-human interactions, but it goes without saying that individuals feel and interpret things differently and often comments or behaviour that are not offensive to one person may make another feel offended or uncomfortable. We prohibit extreme content which we deem particularly disagreeable and undesirable in constructive exchanges between players.

Communication can take place in a variety of styles. As such, we do not prohibit specific words or sentences. Instead, we look at the whole picture in order to judge the intent and meaning of the communication, in conjunction with how the person on the receiving end perceived it, to determine whether or not the exchange falls under prohibited activities.

Please be kind and respectful and keep in mind how others may feel about what you say. If you think your comment may make another person feel even a little uncomfortable, it would be best to refrain from saying it.

Additionally, something that may be intended as a joke between friends could in fact make the other person feel uncomfortable but they may not say so to be considerate. This rings true even for long time friends where respect may be more important in the relationship.

Please note, that even in situations where a violation is made, if the parties involved can reach a mutual resolution, it will not then be treated as such. Communication based conflicts can be resolved via subsequent communication. Therefore, if you accidentally express something inappropriately, we encourage you to accept your mistake and take the appropriate action to correct it.

"Harassment" is speech and/or behaviour that inflicts deep emotional distress on another person. It is an extremely serious violation. Where Square Enix determines that harassment has occurred, a penalty equal to or higher than a "Temporary Service Account Suspension" may be imposed.

It is prohibited to do this anywhere an expression can be made, such as chat (including Quick Chat in PvP content, macros, and emotes), markers, comments, or titles. It is also a violation in cases where a player character name involves a term that could be considered harassment in any way. Additionally, when harassment involves a group of players, all corresponding players will be subject to penalties.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of behaviour that could constitute harassment in Final Fantasy XIV:

・Discriminatory expressions based on race/nationality/thinking/gender/sexual orientation/gender identity
・Discriminatory expressions about a state/religion/occupation/organisation, etc.
Key Points
It is prohibited to make any discriminatory expressions based on race/nationality/thinking/gender/sexual orientation/gender identity/state/religion/occupation/organisations. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

・Obscene/Indecent Expressions
Key Points
In general, all expressions of an obscene/indecent nature are prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

This applies to not only text-based expressions such as chat but also to expressions that use emotes and or character movements in ways that are sexually explicit.

Examples of violations that use character motions
  • Using a combination of emotes and motions to mimic grinding against another character
  • Using movements that are evocative of sexual activities

Note that obscene/indecent expressions can range from relatively mild to severe, and some of the relatively mild expressions may be tolerated among friends. Therefore, in a private environment where only friends are present, whether it is tolerated or not, a case will be judged on whether or not a report was made.

Example 1
If all members of a Free Company think that "slightly vulgar jokes are not a problem and will not cause offense", then using expressions that fall under the category of "slightly vulgar jokes" in the Free Company in question will not be considered a violation unless it is reported.

However, the perception of "slightly vulgar jokes" varies from person to person, and there is the possibility that what you consider to be "slightly vulgar jokes" may be considered unacceptable by others. Please be careful when making these kinds of expressions.

Furthermore, in a Free Company with 10 members, if 9 of the 10 members tolerate the behaviour but one does not, and one member files a report and we confirm that a violation has taken place, a penalty will be issued. You should also be aware that even if 9 of the existing Free Company members tolerate certain behaviour, if you are joined by a new member who does not tolerate it, at that point your group is no longer unanimously tolerant of the behaviour and may be penalised if a report is made.

Example 2
In the case of role-playing involving mildly sexual expressions (such as erotic role-playing) with a consenting group of two or more players, if it is conducted in a private area, it will not be considered a violation unless a report is made.

However, if you encourage or invite a player to participate in such role-play without being certain of their consent, there is a high possibility that you will be reported and penalised. Please be very careful.

As you can see, expressions that fall under this category are generally prohibited, so if even one player who witnessed such an expression finds it offensive, there is a high possibility that it will be reported. What is considered offensive will vary from person to person, so if you believe there is any chance that you may offend someone, you should refrain from making such expressions.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, on online video/streaming services, if the behaviour is found to violate real world laws, or if it may be considered a problem based on the game's entertainment board ratings.

・Actions that inflict emotional distress by using expressions related to historical events or crimes
Key Points
It is prohibited to use expressions that may upset the feelings of victims of historical events/crimes or use historical events/crimes to offend others, such as those described in the following examples. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • "I wish we had another [incident/crime]."
  • "I'm a big fan of [a specific criminal/group/hate group, or tragic incident]."
  • "(Victim of an incident/crime) is just playing the victim."

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

Key Points
It is prohibited to stalk a player as described in the following examples. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Persistently moving to locations where someone is, despite being asked to stop the behaviour.
  • Persistently sending messages to someone, or directed at someone, through Tell or other means, despite being asked to stop the behaviour.
  • Ambushing someone at their destination, or their housing estate, despite being asked to stop the behaviour.
  • Persistently sending a friend or party request despite being asked to stop the behaviour.
  • Creating new characters to message someone who has blacklisted you, despite being asked to stop the behaviour.
  • Attempting to make contact in-game with someone despite official authorities forbidding contact with them in real-life.

* The act of following someone around in a specific situation/area is considered "improper following" and is explained in the Obstruction of Play section below.

Should the details described in a report be determined as "stalking activity", the stalking player will be penalised, and we may contact the victim and obtain their consent to issue an in-game restraining order. Should we confirm that a player has attempted to contact the victim through any means after being issued an in-game restraining order, a more severe penalty will be imposed.

・Disclosing a person's information such as contact information with the aim of meeting up in the real world
・Disclosing another person's real-world personal information without permission
Key Points
It is not a violation to exchange personal information with a person with whom you have a trusting relationship, such as a friend with whom you have spent a lot of time. However, if a report has been filed and we confirm that an attempt is being made to meet someone in the real world based on the following examples, then a penalty will be issued.

  • Disclosing your own unrequested personal information for the purpose of meeting the other person in the real world.
  • Persistently requesting someone to disclose their personal information, despite being asked to stop the behaviour by them.
  • Disclosing someone's personal information without their permission.

If you exchange contact information with a stranger or a person you have not known for a long time, and do not have a trusting relationship with them, there is a risk that you may become involved in a real-world crime. When exchanging contact information, be sure to do so with caution, after determining the trustworthiness of your relationship with the other party.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

・Other actions that are generally regarded as inflicting deep emotional distress on another person

■Nuisance behaviour
"Nuisance behaviour" is speech or behaviour that hurts others or obstructs their gameplay, but which is not classified as harassment. Even if it was not intended, a penalty may be issued if the end result was that another person was hurt, or their gameplay was obstructed. If the behaviour was observed being conducted by multiple players, all involved members will be issued a penalty.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of nuisance behaviour:

◆Offensive expression
"Offensive expression" means an expression in general that inflicts emotional distress by being offensive to another person.

It is prohibited to do this anywhere an expression can be made, such as all chat channels (including PvP Quick Chat, macros, and emotes), markers, comments, or titles. It is also a violation in cases where a player character name involves a term that could be considered offensive in any way.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of offensive expressions that could constitute offensive:

・Aggressive expressions such as violent language/slander/insults/threats
・Expressions that provoke or belittle another person, such as excessive criticism, negation/ridicule
Key Points
It is prohibited to make offensive expressions such as those listed in the following examples. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, and online video or streaming services.
* Please note that these are just a few examples. Be polite to others and try not to make them feel uncomfortable.

The following behaviours are prohibited:

  • Using insulting words such as "stupid", "idiot", "die", "crazy", "garbage" or "trash" to offend others. In addition, even if you do not use direct words, blaming and attacking others, such as "It's [player name]'s fault that we wiped" or "You really make a lot of mistakes" or rephrasing insulting words into any other form is also prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Insulting another person's personal taste, such as "your glamour is terrible, you should quit the game" or "the way you talk disgusts me". If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Insulting others with statements that are unrelated to the subject of the discussion, such as "no wonder you can't do this, look at how you dress your character". If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Insulting others by threatening them with statements such as "if you get on my bad side, you'll be ostracised from this community" or "I can have you kicked from this group at any time". If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Using accusatory expressions or sarcastic remarks without offering any constructive advice. Statements such as "people like you will never get better" are prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Attacking someone for doing something different from what you or others may feel is the norm. For example, when running Alliance Raids, or playing PvP content, it is prohibited to make statements such as "why aren't you doing [specific thing]? Everyone knows that's how you do this!". If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

    * There is nothing wrong with providing suggestions that the player community typically follows, but this can only be presented in the form of a suggestion and cannot be in the form of a demand. If said player's actions are interfering with the gameplay of others, then a penalty can be issued once a report is filed and confirmed; however, even in this type of situation, if said player is also being attacked verbally, the penalty can be issued to both players.

    * For additional information refer to the "Expressions that unilaterally reject another person's opinion" and "Expressions that compel a playing style" sections below.

  • Mocking another person for making mistakes. Statements such as "how can you screw up on something so simple that no one else messes up?" are prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Mocking or ridiculing another player who has been knocked out by using emotes (such as laugh), jumping, or using items (such as fireworks) on top of their character's body. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • Making statements that will hurt the reputation of someone in public areas, such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, and online video or streaming services. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

    * Defaming other players, even if the player in question is acting in a way that is offensive to others or performing a prohibited activity.

  • Excessively criticising or condemning others. Statements such as "you're bad at [something]" or "you're not getting [something] at all" are prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

    * It is not a violation to offer advice when pointing out issues; however, it should be treated as advice only and not something that must be followed. You cannot force someone to play a certain way without the consent of both parties. If such a situation does arise, it could be determined to be giving excessive criticism against that player.

    In the following example, player A is excessively criticising player B. If player B is not asking for any advice, player A cannot force player B to play a specific way. This type of situation can be determined as an act of excessive criticism.

    • Player A: B, you're doing this part wrong.
    • Player B: I understand, I'll try harder.
    • Player A: You understand the mechanics? Want me to teach you?
    • Player B: I do understand, I'm OK. Thank you.
    • Player A: You sure you understand? You keep on screwing up. You should do [something] on [something].
    • Player B: I understand, I'm sorry.
    • Player A: You sure? If you don't know let me know, ok? B, you're screwing up so many times, you're really dragging this out for us.
    • Player B: I'm sorry.

  • Making statements intended to belittle someone, such as "you can't do [something], maybe this is just not possible for you?" are prohibited. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • It is prohibited for groups of players to target and ridicule a specific player. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

    * The above act involves an excessive amount of criticism/condemnation. Players may not denounce another player. If you feel a player is causing an issue, please file a report.

・Expressions that unilaterally reject another person's opinion
・Expressions that compel a playing style
Key Points
It is prohibited to force personal views or disregard the opinions of others. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

It is prohibited to make statements such as:
  • "There's no way we can clear this with [suggestion]."
  • "Big pulls are normal here, so do it!"
  • "I don't care what you think, just follow my instructions."
  • "I'm not asking for your opinion."

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, and online video or streaming services.

■ Point 1
Respecting the opinions of others and expressing your own opinions in the form of a suggestion does not constitute a violation.

For example, it is not a violation to suggest one's own opinion/policy or to present a counterproposal to an opinion, as shown in the following "Example of a non-violation". However, in the "Example of a violation”, you are trying to impose your play style on others by unilaterally excluding their opinions without respecting theirs, which is considered a violation.

Example 1
Example of a violation:
  • "We can only beat [duty/content] by using [something]. You can't do it any other way, so stop doing that!"
Example of a non-violation:
  • "I think [duty/content] will go more smoothly if we do [something], so I want to try doing it this way, is that okay with everyone?"

Example 2
Example of a violation:
  • (In response to an opinion) "Your idea is ridiculous, what are you talking about!?"
Example of a non-violation:
  • (In response to an opinion) "I understand your opinion, but I think I can do better with [something], what do you think?”

■ Point 2
Expressing your wishes in the form of a request, as in the following example, does not constitute a violation.

  •   "I'm getting attacked by the enemies, can you put on your stance?"
  •   "It would be great if you could focus on healing because I'm in trouble!"

* When offering suggestions or making requests, it's important to include your reasoning. Making suggestions/requests without a clear understanding of the reason often leads the other person to misunderstand your intention. Additionally, making suggestions or requests does not necessarily mean that they must be accepted. When your suggestion/request is rejected, you cannot then criticise or blame others, pressure others, or otherwise refuse to respect their opinion, or persistently repeat the same suggestion/request or otherwise attempt to impose your playstyle on others. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

・Expressions that attempt to unilaterally exclude someone from the game or content/community, etc.
(Except when in accordance with rules set by an administrator such as a Free Company Master)
Key Points
It is prohibited to make statements such as the following examples to try to kick someone from the party, content, community, etc. as if they are not qualified to participate. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

  • "If you can't do the mechanic well, maybe you shouldn't bother joining the party."
  • "If you're going to talk like that, why don't you just quit?"
  • "If you don't understand that, you'd be wise to leave the party."
  • "Let's ignore them."
  • "Let’s leave [person] out."
  • "It's not worth wasting our time, you should quit."
  • "Don't join if your equipment is that bad/such a low item level."

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

・Expressions that are contrary to public order and morals
Key Points
These points are mainly related to events in the real world.
For example, it is prohibited to use expressions that would be considered problematic from a common decency standpoint. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

"I hope this [disease/virus] does the job."

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

・Expressions considered impolite or against common sense
・Expressions that significantly lack consideration for others
Key Points
Just as in the real world, it is important to be considerate of other players to maintain cordial relationships and positive experiences in the world of Final Fantasy XIV. It is prohibited to make expressions or to act in ways that would be unacceptable in the real world. This includes disturbing the peace and having a lack of consideration for others. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Separately, in Final Fantasy XIV, player communities may have their own specific set of loosely established rules and guidelines, which involve their own manners, morals, and etiquette. These community-specific rules and guidelines are not officially established as a unified set of rules for the entire community, so they may differ from one community to another. What may be acceptable in one community may be objectionable in another.

If there is a situation in which a person repeatedly says or does something that can be judged as intentionally trying to disrupt the peace, such as "intentionally ignoring the community-specific rules and guidelines while being aware of them" or "unwilling to learn of them", a report can be made. If we determine that the behaviour falls under our prohibited actions, a penalty will be imposed.

Each data centre will also be judged based on the social customs of that data centre's region in the real world.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, or online video/streaming services.

・Other expressions that are offensive to others

◆Obstruction of play
"Obstruction of play" refers to all behaviour in general that obstructs another person's gameplay. Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of obstruction of play:

Refers to using chat (including Quick Chat in PvP content and emotes) to obstruct the gameplay of others.
Key Points
The key point to consider is whether or not the behaviour is obstructing another person's gameplay. While the intention may have not been to cause an obstruction, if the situation interferes with the communication of other players, then it can be determined to be prohibited activity. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

For example, in large-scale content such as alliance raids or PvP, in order to ensure smooth progress, a player may present a general course of action to the entire group, and the other players may agree to it and act accordingly. In such a case, when the progress of the content does not go as intended there may be a chance the player becomes frustrated and spams the chat with unnecessary lines of text telling other players what to do even if it was already discussed. This deviates from the original intention of the chat and could be considered as a situation that interferes with the communication of other players.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, in towns/cities/field areas, or online video/streaming services.

・Obstructing transit/progress
Refers to any kind of behaviour which obstructs the gameplay progress of others, such as intentionally standing directly on top of a key NPC for an extended period of time or forming a blockade at a trafficked passage or entrance.
Key Points
If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, in towns/cities/field areas, or online video/streaming services.

・Obstructing the activities of others
Refers to any kind of obstructive behaviour that prevents the activities of another player.
Key Points
It is prohibited to obstruct another player's activity. Examples of this include:

  • Initiating trades with a player who is casting teleport to interrupt the teleportation.
  • Joining or recruiting for a party in Party Finder and immediately leaving/disbanding once the party has been formed.
  • Attempting to impede a player's ability to use their Mog Letter Box by sending numerous unwanted items or letters.
  • Repeatedly sending friend requests, Linkshell invites, or party invitations to a player even after being denied.

If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Simply performing the acts listed above will not immediately result in a violation, as they could be caused unintentionally or be due to unintended circumstances. If it has been determined that the above behaviours were done intentionally or repeatedly to obstruct the other player's gameplay, then a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as in towns/cities/field areas, or online video/streaming services.

・Obstructing Gameplay Using Combat
Refers to an act of obstructive behaviour such as using specific skills in an unintended manner or taking advantage of battle mechanics to interfere with the gameplay of other players.
Key Points
It is prohibited to interfere with the combat of others in the following manner:

  • Using actions during combat to cause other players to fall from platforms or field areas to incapacitate them.
  • Using and manipulating enmity-related actions in an effort to incapacitate other players or interfere with gameplay.
  • Gathering groups of enemies to obstruct the view of others.

If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Simply performing the acts listed above will not immediately result in a violation, as they could be caused unintentionally or be due to unintended circumstances. If it has been determined that the above behaviours were done intentionally or repeatedly to obstruct the other player's gameplay, then a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as in towns/cities/field areas, or online video/streaming services.

・Unjustified usage of Vote Dismiss
Refers to the act of dismissing a player in a way that is unjustified under the intended use of Vote Dismiss.
Key Points
If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed if the act was confirmed publicly through online video, streaming services, or other means.

・Intentional leaving or disconnection
Refers to the act of obstructing another person's gameplay by intentionally leaving the game or disconnecting from the server.
Key Points
Since the game relies on internet connectivity, it is inevitable that there will be network disconnections or real-life circumstances which prevent you from playing the game. As such, simply disconnecting or remaining inactive in the game will not result in a penalty.

However, if a report is filed, a penalty will be issued if the following types of situations are confirmed to be occurring repeatedly:

  • Occurs right after entering a duty
  • Occurs when progress is not going well in a duty
  • Occurs when the team is about to be defeated in PvP
Even if there was no intention to interfere with others, repeated occurrences can be a nuisance to others. If you are experiencing network instability, or if you are frequently unable to play due to real-world circumstances, be considerate of others by refraining from participating in the duty/content, taking into account that you may unintentionally cause issues for others.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed if the act was confirmed publicly through online video, streaming services, or other means.

・Improper following
Refers to the act of following another character around in a particular location without their consent.
Key Points
Following a player for a long period of time is considered stalking as mentioned in the above harassment section. The act of improper following is limited to when a player follows another around in a particular location.

For example, if a player chases after a stranger who just happens to be passing by in a public area. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed if the act was confirmed publicly through online video, streaming services, or other means.

・Ranking manipulation (abuse) / Manipulating the outcome of a match
Refers to the act of improperly increasing a ranking, earning ranking points by informal agreement, or by using multiple accounts to manipulate ranks.
Key Points
Due to the need for fairness in public rankings, even rankings that feature a small number of participants will be penalised if it is confirmed that ranking manipulation is taking place.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

・Aiding the enemy / Uncooperative behaviour / Lethargic behaviour
Refers to an act of performing actions that give an advantage to an enemy (monsters, or the opposing team/players in PvP content) by not performing the necessary gameplay required of the situation. This may be combined with combat sabotage as well.
Key Points
Each player has a different level of skill, and in some cases, there may be a situation where the duty/content will fail. From the perspective of a skilled player in such a situation, a less skilled player may appear to be "adversarial/uncooperative/apathetic", but even if this is the case, it is not a violation as long as the player is playing appropriately.

For example, the following types of situations fall under the act of giving an advantage to the enemy (or the opposing team/players in PvP content):
  • "I don't want to heal because there is a player I don't like in the group."
  • "I don't think we can clear this anyway, so I'll just get hit by the enemy attack and go AFK after I'm knocked out."
  • "I'm going to join the opposing team as a healer and do nothing so my friends on the other team can win the PvP content."
If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed if the act has been confirmed publicly through online video, streaming services, or other means.

・Advertising offers to help clear content, to help earn loot, etc. via the Party Finder
Key Points
It is prohibited to advertise using the Party Finder to offer help to clear duties or obtain items (to help people clear raid content or obtain items by having them join your party). A penalty will be issued if the act has been confirmed.

This prohibits the act of advertising such support and does not prohibit those asking for help themselves through the use of the Party Finder.

It is not a violation to ask for help or to offer a reward when asking for help, as in the following examples that do not violate our policy. However, in the examples that do violate the policy, the person offering help is advertising their services, which is prohibited.

Examples of violations:
  • Selling [duty] clear for 1 million gil.
  • Selling [duty] clear and/or offering the associated rewards from [content]. Join for more info/details.

Examples of non-violation:
  • I'm new, can anyone help me clear [duty]?
  • Help me clear [duty] and I'll pay you 1 million gil!
  • I'd like to get some items from [duty]. will pay 1 million gil if I can get it.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

・Other solicitations that fall far outside of the intended purpose of the Party Finder
Key Points
The main purpose of the Party Finder is to recruit members to participate in content. Any recruitment listing that does not match its intended category is prohibited.

The "Other" category is intended for recruiting players to participate in content that is not listed in the listed categories. However, as an exception, the "Other" category may be used for the sake of recruiting members to form a community or conduct exchanges between players. Examples of these include:

  • Promoting player events
  • Housing-related promotions
  • Advertising for the purchase and sale of items
  • Recruitment of members for community groups such as Linkshells and Free Companies

* It is prohibited to list any of the above in categories other than the "Other" category.

* If Square Enix determines that certain Party Finder listings involve prohibited activities, such as attempts to disguise RMT activity, the Party Finder listing will be removed along with a penalty being issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

・Purchasing a plot of land with the intent to resell it
Key Points
Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

・Other obstruction of play

◆Monster Player Kill (MPK)
"MPK" is an act of sending a monster towards another person so that they are knocked out or obstructing another person's gameplay.
Key Points
If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been made if the act has been confirmed publicly through video streams and other means.

"Fraud" is an act of deception intended to deprive a player of their full enjoyment of the game or a player's property. Fraud occurs most often as a result of breaching in-game agreements between players regarding trading, loot, or betting.
Key Points
If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued. Additionally, the item and/or gil obtained through fraud will be confiscated

In some cases, players may have simply overlooked the loot rules agreed upon within the group or may have made a mistake and looted an item differently from the rules, which resulted in a situation similar to "cheating". If the situation is resolved through discussion between the players, then it is not a violation. However, if the situation is not resolved through discussion and a report is made, and it is confirmed that the situation is equivalent to "cheating", the item, gil, etc. in question will be confiscated, even if the action was not intentional. However, if it is determined that the situation was not an intentional act of fraud, the penalty may be reduced depending on the circumstances.

"Impersonation" means impersonating or fraudulently claiming to be another player, Square Enix employees, or any other third party. This could involve using a character name, Free Company name, etc., that resembles one that is used by another person, or using a name that is the same as, or similar to, the name of a Square Enix employee.
Key Points
Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

■Behaviour that disrupts the game balance
Square Enix strictly prohibits the use of third-party programs or tools as these disrupt the balance of the game. Third-party programs and tools that permit automated or "absentee" play are prohibited. A Game Master (GM) may speak to players to investigate and confirm "absentee" play, and if the player continues with this behaviour, contrary to the GM's instructions, they will be treated as participating in "absentee" play and subject to penalties.

Accordingly, the following activities are prohibited:

- Modifying, analysing, integrating, and/or reverse-engineering game software or data.
- Creating, distributing, using, or promoting utilities that interact with the game.

■Real-Money Trading (RMT)
RMT refers to an act of directly or indirectly transferring, assigning, lending, borrowing, or delegating in-game data or in-game activity for compensation (which include currency, goods, property, currency available outside of our services, character(s), item(s), point(s), data, information, etc.) or assisting in this type of behaviour. If RMT activity is verified, a penalty will be issued.

Examples of RMT include offering or receiving compensation for the following:

- Accounts
- Characters
- In-game currency (gil)
- In-game services
- In-game items
- In-game activities (such as selling clears)

* Items and gil obtained through third-party tools or RMT can affect the game's economic stability and disrupt gameplay balance. Moreover, some third-party programs contain viruses and spyware that can harm players; this can lead to unauthorised disclosure of users' personal data, character deletion, identity theft, and other unfortunate circumstances.
Key Points
  • Even if you are not actually involved in the transaction of RMT, if you offer or advertise RMT, you are aiding and encouraging the act of RMT. For this reason, this is considered RMT.
  • The codes that are included with books and merchandise, as well as codes purchased on the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store, are purchased in the real world using real-world currency. Exchanging them for in-game currency or items is also considered RMT.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

■Political / Religious / Commercial / Promotional Activities
"Political/Religious/Commercial/Promotional Activities" refer to the act of engaging in activities and promotions that involve real-life political groups, religious organisations, or business entities that have no connections to Final Fantasy XIV. Even if the activity is for charity, it is prohibited as the activity is not relevant to the game.
Key Points
It is prohibited to engage in activities or advertisements in public areas where many players can see them, such as Shout and through the Party Finder. If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

In a closed environment within a private chat such as a Linkshell or Free Company, it is not considered a violation to raise such topics among peers, but if the conversation is repeated persistently, please be aware that it may be considered a violation depending on the circumstances.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed.

■Misuse of bugs
"Misuse of bugs" refers to the deliberate exploitation of faults/errors in Final Fantasy XIV or manipulating a feature of Final Fantasy XIV so that it does not function as intended, in order to obtain personal gain or cause disadvantage to someone else.

■Ignoring a Game Master (GM)'s instructions
If a Game Master (GM) gives an instruction based on the User Agreement and/or other rules, failure to follow the instruction is a violation and a penalty will be issued. If you are given an instruction by a GM, please follow this immediately.

■Account sharing or loaning
It is prohibited to share, lend, or disclose account or login information with others. Sharing, lending, or disclosing account information may result in an adverse effect, such as if the account information is modified by another person, it could lead to the inability to verify the identity of the account holder.

FAQ Article: 68216
FAQ Category: [Technical and In-Game Support] / FAQ Sub-category: [Game Master Services] [Player Conflict] [Other]

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