Frequently Asked Questions

"No valid service account is available to play FINAL FANTASY XIV"

There are several possible reasons for this message to be displayed:

To check subscription status, follow these steps:

     - Log into Mog Station website
     - Select the service account you are trying to access
     - Check the “Service Account Status” and make sure that you have more than 0 remaining days

To check the platform entitlements of your service account, please follow these steps:

     - Log into Mog Station website
     - Select the service account you are trying to access
     - Select Service Account Status from the menu on the left and scroll down to Platform
     - The platforms and versions you own are marked with “✓”

Please note that if you own the game on STEAM, you will have to launch it via STEAM, as this is considered a separate platform to Windows.

To check if your service account is cancelled, please follow these steps:

     - Log into Mog Station website
     - Select the service account you are trying to access
     - If a “Reactivate Service Account” option is available, it means the account is cancelled. Reactivate it by using this option.

To check if your account is currently suspended, follow these steps:

     - Log into Mog Station website
     - “This service account is currently suspended.” shows if your account is suspended
     - If your account is suspended, you will have received an email about this. Please check the email address registered on the account.

In order to select a different service account once you are in-game, please follow these steps:

     1) Log into the game
     2) Select ‘Data Center’ from game menu
     3) Select a different data centre other than the one pre-selected
     4) Select the service account you wish to access

If you have checked all of the above and still get that error message, please contact us by clicking “Contact Us” below.

FAQ Article: 78850
FAQ Category: [Product Specifications] / FAQ Sub-category: [Products & Services] [Update / Patch]

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